About Me

Life is a series of steps that lead you from place to place. At any given time, when you look back, you will see your life’s steps meld together into one of the most beautiful masterpieces – a true expression of who you are and where you’ve been. The dance isn’t about the elaborate or fancy moves; it is about being true to yourself, being happy with who you are, and being filled with excitement for the days yet to come. Let go and dance until you can’t dance anymore!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Travel Apps: The Introduction

Blogging Best-y Jen here....I wanted to say hi and introduce a little feature that I will be authoring on The Travel Adventures of Miss Molly called Travel Apps.

Anyone that knows Miss Molly knows that she is very...how shall I put this...well she is technologically advanced when it comes to her Blackberry and work emails, however, when it comes to leisure, that's a whole new issue. Miss Molly just recently joined 2010 by now owning an iPod touch. I adore my iPod touch and was thrilled when she told me she got one. However, the showing Miss Molly the world of iTunes, Apple Apps and everything else that goes along with it became....interesting. Miss Molly was more interested in apps that helped with organizing and planning than for fun (shocking I know).

So I wanted to introduce this feature that will help her and all the other travelers of the world either be found or get lost during their next great adventure. I'm sure I will have some organizational tools and geeky smart kid apps...but my main hope is that I am able to ease Miss Molly into the world of Apple Apps and enjoy her adventures with her iPod a little more.

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