About Me

Life is a series of steps that lead you from place to place. At any given time, when you look back, you will see your life’s steps meld together into one of the most beautiful masterpieces – a true expression of who you are and where you’ve been. The dance isn’t about the elaborate or fancy moves; it is about being true to yourself, being happy with who you are, and being filled with excitement for the days yet to come. Let go and dance until you can’t dance anymore!

Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm Back!!

I'm back! Sorry for the lag in posts, but I assure you, I am back in action now! A lot has changed since my last update:
  1. After much deliberation and discussion, three co-travelers will be joining me on this European excursion. Whitney, Kayla and Sommer are all dying to go with an I have agreed to act as the travel guide (not sure that they fully understand what they have gotten themselves into!);
  2. The tickets have been booked! We will arrive in London on December 17th at 7:40 a.m. and we will depart from Rome on January 3rd;
  3. After arriving, we will spend a day in London before taking the Chunnel and train over to Paris. Following a quick tour of Paris, the troops will head to Brussels to visit a friend for a couple days. After that, I am not 100% sure where we are headed.

Stay tuned....

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